【Study Abroad】Info Session for 3+1+1 & 1+1 Dual Degree at University of Cincinnati


【Study Abroad】Info Session for 3+1+1 & 1+1 Dual Degree at University of Cincinnati

2024.09.30 (Mon)16:10 ~ 17:00
International Exchange
  • Date: September 30, 2024
  • Time: 16:10-17:00 pm
  • Location: ADB(II) 205, Administration Building II
  • Speaker: Ms. Oxana Prokhorova (Global Engagement Director)
  • SIGN-UP for Session
  • Contact: Ms. Valerie Sun (tsun@fcu.edu.tw)

Students applying for the above dual-degree program must follow the FCU Study Abroad Application Process. Applicants have to submit the application for candidate selection at FCU then apply to UC after FCU’s approval. For details, please contact Ms. Valerie Sun (tsun@fcu.edu.tw) of OIA.

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